রংতুলির এবারের পরিবেশনা, অনুপ বড়ুয়ার কণ্ঠে নজরুল গীতি, কিছু রাগ ভিত্তিক বাংলা গান এবং গজল। অদিতি এবং সুবর্ণার বিশেষ পরিবেশনা "যদি আর বাঁশি না বাজে"। এই সন্ধ্যায় আপনারা সবাই আমন্ত্রিত। Ticket $5.00 Tabla: Tapan Modak (NY) Keyboard: Repon (NY) Please mark your calendar on March 6th 2020 Friday from 7:30 PM to 11.00 PM
INFUSION is a collective of diverse musicians working together to meld Southeast Asian and Western musical traditions. Infusion re-imagines famous Bangladeshi pieces through a modernist lens, marshaling traditional instrumentation and cutting-edge technology to create a sound that is simultaneously unique and wonderfully familiar. TEAM: Infusion comprises a huge array of musicians: 8 singers and 5 …
SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 2020 AT 6 PM – 11:55 PM EDT BIDROHO'S 2nd Year Anniversary 2141 Briggs Chaney Rd, Silver Spring, MD 20905-4460, United States Hello everyone, As you can see Bidroho is touching another milestone to their journey, even though it's not very long, the journey of two years had been rather wonderful and …